My name is Ishbir Singh and I hate writing About pages.
“Who are you?” Wish I could satisfactorily answer that. A better question would be: what do you like to do? I like to learn, experience, travel and live. I work to learn and not vice-versa. I’m curious about people and their stories.
“I don’t understand. Where does programming fit in?” you ask. I look at machines and picture the humans behind them: their motivation, story and goals. Software for me isn’t just lines of code. It’s a piece of art; a story waiting to be discovered and written. It is with this attitude that I work on any project: 100% of emotional and intellectual dedication. I am invested in the success of not only my project, but also of the organization behind it.
My technological interests change every few years but right now, they are: machine learning and natural language processing. In the past they’ve included crypto-currencies, cybersecurity, hardware hacking, distributed and peer-to-peer systems.
Why’d I start this blog?
I felt like I needed a place to put together all my programming research and improve my writing skills. What better way than to blog about it? Hopefully it would help someone with their own endeavors.
Also, a blog is an excellent marketing tool. :-)
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